What to watch: Management, Leadership, Performance, Dynamics,Ambition

I turn on the TV and I struggle to find anything to watch. I watch trash on flights but at home I can’t watch movies or shows (exception being The Office segments with my wife and Rick and Morty) so I search and end up turning off the TV.

Here are some shows I enjoyed And learned something from:

Losers on Netflix

The Playbook on Netflix: Lessons from some of the best coaches: Doc Rivers, Jill Ellis, Jose Mourinho, Patrick Mouratoglou (Serena’s coach), Dawn Staley. All great episodes.

Ted Lasso: Apple Tv series. Fictional comedy with great lessons on coaching and management/leadership.

Chimp empire: Netflix doc on chimp dynamics (Heard it recommended by Peter Fenton on a pocast)

The Bear: on Disney+: Drama about starting a restaurant (Human relationships, leadership, entrepreneurship and more)

PS: Most documentaries on Netflix are 💩

Related Short youtube clips:
Chris Martin: encouragement, authenticity